Reduce your carbon footprint and recycle garden and some kitchen waste for re-use in the garden.
So long as you don’t include cooked food or meat bones you will not attract unwelcome pests. Eggshells are fine, but it is advisable to crush them up first. By composting all the kitchen vegetable peelings and most fruit skins and waste (citrus fruit skins and pineapple take a long time to break down so are best avoided) you will make some really usable compost to use on your garden.
Mixed up with grass clippings, non pernicious weeds and garden prunings you will eventually end up with sweet nutrient rich compost to put back into the garden soil!
OK to compost: raw potato and carrot peelings, cabbage leaves (cut up into small pieces the cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower stalks to speed up breakdown), all salads, used tea bags, apple & pear peelings, banana skins etc., lawn clippings, annual dead heading, non-woody prunings from deciduous plants, spent vegetable plants (not tomatoes plant stalks or their leaves or potato plant tops – which maybe disease prone).
AVOID: citrus peels, avocado skins and stones, soft fruit hard kernels e.g. peaches, cherries etc., brambles, rose prunings, thick woody stems, raw meat & fish bones, cooked foods in oil, milk products, weeds with seed heads, bindweed etc.
CCP Groundcare can erect a bespoke bin, or if space allows two or more bins to suit your garden, which will last for years to come.
Please contact us for a FREE quote.